Wednesday, October 11 - Still No Baby Yet

Yet another long day of waiting at the hospital today - ups and downs, but no baby yet.  Danielle and Timothy were able to get a bit of sleep last night.  An ultrasound at 8 this morning showed that Ava had readjusted herself and turned sideways again.  She's still pretty little and has a bit too much room to swim around.  They were given three options:  another ECV, going home to wait it out, or a c-section.  This was extremely disappointing news after everything that has happened already!  Danielle wasn't prepared to go through another ECV and going home was not going to happen, so they resigned themselves to the c-section, to happen between 10 and 12 this morning.  Danielle requested a last chance ultrasound scan around 10, which showed that Ava had smartened up and turned head-down again, giving another chance at natural delivery.  They put the binder back on and started up the oxytocin again to hopefully keep her in place with contractions. During the course of the day, the oxytocin dose has been increased and Danielle has been in "early labour" since then.  It is difficult to put your body into full-on labour when it just isn't ready to be there yet - 37 weeks can be considered full term but every situation is unique.  The doctor was in again to assess this evening, and the current plan, if dilation is far enough along, is to move rooms to the OR to break her water in a controlled room and be ready for a c-section if the situation demands it.  Labour should intensify after the water is broken and things should move quite quickly from that point on.

So a long day, a tiring day.  Danielle was able to get a few hours sleep this afternoon with a combination of morphine and gravol, which was much needed and appreciated.  The labour pains have not been unbearable but after 36 hours of off-and-on induction procedures and plans changing all the time, she is pretty exhausted.  They have maintained a bit of a sense of humour with it, thinking of new middle names for Ava:  Saga, Odyssey, Trouble...

In the chapter from Isaiah that we keep returning to, they were reading especially verses 5-7 today:

Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west.
I will say to the north, "Give them up!" and to the south, "Do not hold them back."
Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth -
Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.

Prayer requests:
*For continued strength, stamina, and patience for Danielle
*For health and protection for Ava and Danielle in the upcoming delivery
*For encouragement and strength for Timothy as he supports his dear wife and daughter
