CT ponderings...

Whirling, whizzing, spinning
Revolving, searching, delving
Delving deep inside me
Inside my very tissues
Seeking, probing for darkness
As I lie on this table
in this circle of energy
And ponder what it will find
Anxious thoughts rise up
And threaten to overwhelm the hum
The whirring round my body
Searching for the enemy within
Hiding in cells, tissues, organs
Causing an inward chaos
And Disorder
And yet there is One who knows
me intricately, inside and out
Not only my physical body
But my wounded, spiritual self
My inner spirit weary and worn
Appearances can be deceiving
Be forewarned
As anxiety rises with each spin
of this whirling machine
Peace, be still, echoes across
the expanses of my thoughts
And I breathe, as instructed
As created, as ordained
A breath of life amidst
The fear of the unknown.
     Some musings and wanderings of the mind as I lay under the shadow of the CT yesterday.  Yes, there have been a few changes since last writing.  Monday afternoon I developed a fever again and ended up in the Cancer Centre to be assessed.  I was also struggling with increased abdominal pain and discomfort, especially in the liver area.  Always worrisome, what is that?  Why is it there?  My scar has also been bothering me more - what is that now also?  Always questions.  So after some bloodwork which was just fine, no low white count this time, and a chest xray which was clear, I was sent home to rest and take some Tylenol as needed.  As I curled up in bed on Tuesday afternoon for a nap, I received a call that the CT date had been changed... to Wednesday afternoon.  Quite a change from the 14th of February...less time to stress and get frantic about things so maybe in the end, a good thing.  So off we went for CT yesterday afternoon and we will find out next Wednesday the results.  So a bit of a wait as well, not entirely great for the mind, but it's good to keep busy and distracted as we wait, and hope and pray for good results.  We appreciate all the prayers and thoughts out there for us and we continue to wait on our God for His mercies, for His plans, for His ways...


  1. Continuing to pray with you and for you.

  2. Even though we have never met, I've read all your posts. My prayers are with you in the waiting. Thank you for writing. Even when it's hard.

  3. Thoughts and prayers are with you today, Danielle, as you return for your results. Praying for positive news! Keep trusting!


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